【 人生一寸先は何があるかわからない 】

My memo. In the mid night of Sep.16th 2015, I was attacked by a stupid drank stranger at around my entrance door of my home. He suddenly punched on my face, kick my body and finally choked my neck and I was almost felt near to death but luckily I could kick him out and he fell down a few steps from the stairs and I closed my entrance door even it had almost broken the main board area and door key.. Then called police and they came in a few minutes which this was also lucky for me because their department office is located closer to my gated apartment, the police held him back and took him to jail. I went to emergency Tempe city Hospital right after that attack and got doctors inspections including CT scan and got a few shot of morphine and that was all. Luckily there was no sort of bone fracture of my head, face and all of my body by the results of inspections. I had not be able to swallow normally even water and felt nausea for a few weeks after attacked. Now I have recovered from those symptoms and being fine. My prosecutor and an adviser from the victim assistance department have been getting touch with me to follow up my condition as well as noticing me the status of criminal court have kept holding a few times since this Oct.
Anyway, that was happened at AZ US in a middle size of apartment and that was randomly incident here US. Of course I immediately moved the apartment out.



















